President’s Profile & Current CV
Ronald Herrygers, P. G.
- Master Science in Geology - University of South Florida - 1990
- Bachelors Science in Geology - Western Michigan University - 1988
- Group Science Minor (Chemistry, Biology & Physics) - Western Michigan University - 1988
Licensed Professional Geologist:
- South Carolina
- Georgia
- Florida
- Pennsylvania
- Washington
- Asbestos Inspector & Management Planner - South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania
- Lead Risk Assessor: South Carolina, Florida
- 40 Hour OSHA
- Niton Training
Professional Affiliations:
- Geological Society of America
- National Groundwater Association
- Society of Sedimentary Geology
- South Carolina Association of Environmental Professionals - Board of Directors

Environmental Geology, emergency spill management and consultation
- M.S./1990/Geology/University of South Florida
- B.S./1988/Geology/Western Michigan University
- Applied Technology & Management - 1990-1995
- Earth Management Systems - 1995-2000
- Schnabel Engineering - 2000-2004
- Herrygers Environmental - 2004 - Present
- Professional Geologist: South Carolina, Georgia, Washington, Pennsylvania
- Asbestos Inspector & Asbestos Management Planner: South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia
- Lead Inspector & Lead Risk Assessor: EP A Region 4, SC & FL
Mr. Herrygers is a hydrogeologist with 29 years professional experience as an environmental consultant. He has considerable project management experience with Environmental Expert Witness Legal Assistance, Pollution Incident Insurance Investigations, Emergency Spill Cleanup Management, Forensic Petroleum Contamination Investigations, Phase I & II Environmental Assessments, Asbestos Inspections/Management Planning, Groundwater Resource Investigations, Mold Investigations, UST Investigations, Environmental Remediation Projects, Groundwater/Surface Water Evaluations, Air Analysis, Radon Investigations, Lead Contamination Investigations, Coastal Erosion Management Plan Development, Tum-Key Beach Nourishment/Dredge Fill Projects, Wetland Delineation/Mitigation, Marina Siltation Investigations and Hydrogeologic Statistical Modeling. Mr. Herrygers’ environmental expert legal work has included providing depositions, trial testimony, mediation/arbitration assistance, extensive document review, forensic petroleum contamination investigations, environmental regulatory compliance audit, etc. Mr. Herrygers has been a licensed Asbestos Inspector/Management Planner in numerous states for 26 years. Mr. Herrygers has been a licensed Lead Inspector/Risk Assessor in numerous states for 20 years.
Performed more than 6,000 pollution incident insurance investigations and managed spill cleanup of sites throughout the United States. Investigated sites for pollution transportation incidents, home heating oil spills, industrial facilities, asbestos/mold investigations, etc. Investigations have included emergency spill incidents at non-contaminated sites and sites with pre-existing contamination. Provided oversight for spill cleanup, remedial activities, active management of spill cleanup, interaction with environmental regulatory agencies, and review of contractor spill response/remediation invoices including preparation of reports and obtaining “no further action” letters from governing regulatory agencies.
40 hour OSHA Trained
Provided assistance to clients involved with legal disputes concerning various environmental matters. Provided law firms with environmental guidance pertaining to sites involved with environmental lawsuits or potential lawsuits. Has extensive experience reviewing environmental documents and performing forensic contamination assessments at sites with histories of multiple spills. Provided expert witness testimony during depositions, mediation, arbitration and jury trials. Has been recognized by various courts as an expert in geology, groundwater contamination, remediation, stormwater, mold, asbestos, erosion, invoice review and other environmental fields during trials.
Performed more than 1,200 tum-key real estate liability site assessments and contamination assessments for a variety of clients including: pollution insurance companies, schools, developers, oil companies, law firms, financial institutions, various industries, banks, etc. Properties evaluated included: large tracts of land in wetland sensitive areas, retail centers, industrial facilities, schools, lumber yards, gasoline stations, auto/heavy equipment repair/salvage facilities, manufacturing plants, bulk petroleum storage facilities, golf courses, industrial printing plants, historical properties, spill sites, etc. Reviewed hundreds of environmental assessments performed by other firms. Approximately one-third of the Phase I assessments included Phase II (subsurface investigations) investigations. Developed long term monitoring and remediation plans for various sites obtaining closure for numerous sites from governing regulatory agencies.
Performed more than 1,000 Asbestos Inspections in several States for residential, commercial, industrial and government-owned properties. Inspections involved sample collection and report preparation according to applicable regulations generally for the purposes of either managing the asbestos in place, building renovations or demolitions. Types of buildings inspected included: retail shopping centers, manufacturing plants, mills, warehouses, commercial buildings, motels, theaters, large public housing projects and multi-level office buildings. Most projects included follow-up work such as: Oversight for abatement activities and preparation of asbestos management plans.
Performed various levels of investigation of more than I00 sites with dry cleaning fluid contamination (originating from both commercial and industrial dry cleaners). Worked closely with environmental regulatory agencies in order to assure client compliance with applicable Federal and State regulations. For facilities eligible for State Cleanup fund reimbursement, assisted with reimbursement of funds for site assessment/cleanup activities.
Performed extensive investigation of a former unregulated dumpsite. Performed a comprehensive review of numerous historical documents. Implemented an extensive subsurface investigation delineating the horizontal and vertical extent of different types of sources of contamination in soils, buried debris, shallow and deep groundwater aquifers. Assisted prospective purchaser with obtaining legal assurance documentation from governing environmental regulatory agencies allowing the property to be safely re-developed.
Performed inspection of ice manufacturing facility with a 50-year history of usage of sodium dichromate. Performed assessment of chromium contamination in soil and groundwater.